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Fewer Attacks

Our eyewear blocks the specific wavelengths of light that have been implicated in triggering migraines and light sensitivity.

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Proven Results

Clinical research has found that the tint used in our migraine glasses reduced migraines on average from over 6 per month to undet 2 per month.

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Stuck in a dark room?

You’re not alone, 80% of migraine sufferers are light sensitive. Axons block the light spectrum shown to trigger and exacerbate migraines and light sensitivity.  Axon Optics is a tech startup that develops light-filtering products and performs clinical studies to help you leave the dark and enjoy your world.  Step into the light again.

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Light Sensitivity Glasses

and Migraine Glasses


Medication overuse is the #1 reason why a few migraines a month can turn into near daily attacks. Migraines reflief with our glasses is drug free.

Axon Spectrashield Lens

Developed by Axon Optics the proprietary                                               lens is an advanced technology that blocks the light that may trigger your pain, while letting other light in. Based on the heritage of clinical FL-41 tinted lenses.

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checK out the new

 Crowdfunded Vescent Frame. Now Available to All!

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Migraines Cause Visual Aura Phenomenon

Migraines Cause Visual Aura Phenomenon

Migraines Cause Visual Aura Phenomenon

November 9, 2015 Posted by Axon Optics

November 9, 2015 Posted by Axon Optics

November 9, 2015 Posted by Axon Optics

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sagittis risus sed purus ullamcorper interdum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sagittis risus sed purus ullamcorper interdum.






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